Deep Dive - (5) Reusable BIE
Reusable BIE
PowerPoint files
[Opening Scene]
Narrator: Welcome back! In our previous videos, we explored how to create a Business Information Entity—BIE—and how to profile it. Today, we’re diving into the world of reusable BIEs. We’ll cover how to make a BIE reusable, how and when to reuse it, and what the reuse report can tell you. Let’s get started!
[Scene shows two BIEs, one referencing a reusable BIE via an association.]
Narrator: But before we dive into the 'how,' let’s first understand what a reusable BIE is and why it’s important. A reusable BIE is just like any other BIE. There’s no special marking or label for a BIE to make it reusable. The key is that any BIE can be used as a reference in the association of another BIE.
Think of it this way: instead of duplicating the same details across multiple profiles, you can create a BIE once and reuse it wherever it’s needed. This promotes consistency and reduces effort when managing related data.
For example, if you’ve already defined a 'Address' BIE, you can reuse it wherever an address is required, such as in 'Work Order' or 'Invoice' BIEs.
[Scene transitions to the Invoice BIE editing interface.]
Narrator: Reusing a BIE means linking it to another BIE as part of an association. Let’s take a closer look at how that works in practice. Here, we will look at an example of reusing the Address BIE while working with the Invoice BIE. In the Invoice, if you navigate to Invoice Header, Supplier Party, and Location components, you can find the Address. To reuse an existing Address, click the Reuse BIE menu and select the existing Address. You can then confirm that it has been reused. Sub-components of the reused BIE cannot be modified.
[Scene transitions to the Work Order BIE editing interface.]
Narrator: Alternatively, you can extract a specific part from an existing profiled BIE and make it reusable in other BIEs. Go to the Work Order BIE, and under the Work Order Header, you may want to reuse the profiled Party from another BIE. In this case, click the 'Make BIE Reusable' menu and confirm the creation. You will see that the request is processed, and when you check the BIE list, you can confirm that the Party BIE has been extracted and created.
[Scene: Narrator pulls up a reuse report in the interface.]
Narrator: Now, let’s talk about the reuse report. This is a tool for understanding how a BIE is being reused across profiles. It shows details like where the BIE is linked. Under the BIE menu, clicking the Reuse Report menu displays a list of BIEs currently being reused. Alternatively, you can also check which BIEs are reusing a specific BIE using the 'Find Reuses' feature.
In summary, reusable BIEs are powerful tools for maintaining consistency and efficiency. You can make any profiled BIE reusable and link them across various contexts. The reuse report provides transparency, helping you manage and track their usage effectively.
[Closing scene with a call to action.]
Narrator: That’s it for today’s video on reusable BIEs. Visit our website to learn more.
[Screen fades to the website URL and contact information.]
[End of video]