Overview - (2) Tool Deployment
Tool Accessibility
PowerPoint files
[Opening Scene]
Narrator: "In this video, we explore a deployment strategy example used to manage tool instances in practice. This example comes from a close collaboration with OAGi, a partner in the Score project."
[Scene transitions to a full-screen architectural diagram showing the development, production, and demo instances, as well as on-premises instances.]
Narrator: "This deployment strategy includes multiple instances designed to serve specific purposes within the data exchange lifecycle. Each instance consists of a database for storing data, a service responsible for business logic, and a web component for the UI. These components form a single instance, which is operated under names such as development, production, and demo, depending on the operational context. Let’s take a closer look."
[Diagram highlights the 'Development Instance.']
Narrator: "The first instance is the 'Development Instance.' This environment is dedicated to standard developers who are working on the next version of the standard. It provides the tools and resources necessary for creating and refining new specifications."
[Diagram highlights the 'Production Instance.']
Narrator: "Next, we have the 'Production Instance.' This is the live environment where the finalized standards are implemented and used in real-world applications. It ensures that the standards are applied consistently and effectively across various platforms."
[Diagram highlights the 'Demo Instance.']
Narrator: "The 'Demo Instance' serves an advertising and promotional purpose. It allows potential users and stakeholders to explore and understand the benefits of the standards in a controlled, demonstrative setting."
[Diagram highlights the 'Relationships.']
Narrator: "Additionally, the standardized data completed in the Development instance is distributed to other instances, ensuring that each instance remains up-to-date."
[Diagram highlights 'On-Premises Instances'.]
Narrator: "Partner member companies have established 'On-Premises Instances' for their business operations. These instances are customized to fit the unique requirements of each organization and are hosted within their own secure infrastructures."
[Scene highlights the use of OpenID Connect for authentication.]
Narrator: "Some on-premises instances utilize OpenID Connect for authentication, ensuring secure and streamlined access to the standards and related tools."
[Scene transitions back to the OAGi logo with a final professional background.]
Narrator: "In summary, OAGi’s deployment strategy includes a Development Instance for standard creation, a Production Instance for real-world application, a Demo Instance for promotional purposes, and on-premises instances for customized business use. Together, these instances support the continuous development, implementation, and promotion of data exchange standards."
[Closing scene with a call to action.]
Narrator: "Discover more about how OAGi’s instances can benefit your organization. You can request access to the demo site today by sending email to member.services@oagi.org. Thank you."
[Screen fades to the website URL and contact information.]
[End of video]