

Sample JSON instance (message payload)

{ "remittanceAdvice": { "typeCode": "BAI", "actionCode": "Add", "remittanceAdviceHeader": { "identifier": { "content": "3AFDFD09-1282-4DD5-AE34-9142662FB503", "typeCode": "Lockbox Number" }, "documentDateTime": "2020-09-18T08:33:04-05:00", "attachment": [ { "embeddedDataBinaryObject": "BLOB", "uri": "https://remittancefiles.com/", "fileName": "remittance2020-12-07.png" } ], "status": [ { "identifier": [ "891E37BE-044A-4B89-A0E2-AB512246E9FB" ], "code": { "content": "12345", "typeCode": "Remittance Type A" }, "description": "This is an example description for remittance", "reasonCode": "Closing Out", "reason": [ "End of Year Closeout" ], "effectiveTimePeriod": { "startDateTime": "2020-09-18T08:33:04-05:00", "endDateTime": "2020-09-18T08:33:04-05:00" } } ], "effectiveDate": "2020-12-07", "initiatingParty": { "identifier": [ "2345" ], "accountIdentifier": [ "12345" ], "name": [ "Bank of OAGIS" ], "location": { "identifier": [ "54321" ], "name": [ "Downtown Branch" ], "postalAddress": { "identifier": [ "12345" ], "name": "Accounts Receivable", "addressLine": [ "345 Sample Street" ], "cityName": "Atlanta", "countrySubDivisionCode": [ "GA" ], "countryCode": "US", "postalCode": "30316" } } }, "billToParty": { "typeCode": "string", "identifier": "1234", "accountIdentifier": "54321", "name": "Acme Corp" }, "remitToParty": { "identifier": [ "1234" ] }, "checkInstruction": { "checkNumberIdentifier": "1000458345", "deliveryMethodCode": "123", "checkMaturityDate": "2021-02-16", "checkMemoFieldText": "For discount refund", "routingNumberIdentifier": "893458", "accountIdentifier": "1234567", "accountName": "Personal Checking", "nameOnAccount": "John Doe" }, "paymentMethodCode": "123", "totalAmount": { "content": 438.23, "currencyCode": "string" }, "transactionIdentifier": "B162190C-6F3C-40D3-B5BE-46FEB4E7C570", "paymentAuthorization": { "identifier": [ "B162190C-6F3C-40D3-B5BE-46FEB4E7C570" ], "authorizationDate": "2021-02-01" }, "debitCard": { "identifier": [ "4474-4567-8374-9980" ], "nameOnAccount": "John Doe", "expiration": { "month": "12", "year": "2024" }, "companyName": "Acme Corp", "pin": "0112" }, "creditCard": { "identifier": "4474-8513-565-9913", "nameOnAccount": "John Doe", "expiration": { "month": "12", "year": "2024" }, "companyName": "Acme Corp", "paymentAuthorization": { "identifier": "85D40EBB-E080-4FB0-B99D-4D116FC57361", "responseCode": "Success", "authorizationDate": "2021-02-01", "amount": 431.23, "referenceOrderNumberIdentifier": "12345", "remittanceBankIdentifier": "Bank of OAGIS" }, "cardCode": "816", "billingAddress": { "name": [ "John Doe" ], "addressLine": [ "123 Sample Street" ], "countrySubDivisionCode": [ "Georgia" ], "countryCode": "US", "postalCode": "30316" } }, "electronicFundsTransfer": { "identifier": [ "46CCC1C5-83ED-4816-8BD4-17FAFDAFB61B" ], "nameOnAccount": "John Doe", "routingNumberIdentifier": "12345678", "bankName": "Bank of OAGIS" }, "extension": [ { "amount": [ { "content": 431.23, "typeCode": "string", "currencyCode": "string" } ], "dateTime": [ { "content": "2021-02-01", "typeCode": "string" } ], "quantity": [ { "content": 14, "typeCode": "string" } ] } ] }, "remittanceAdviceLine": [ { "typeCode": "string", "lineNumberIdentifier": "4", "description": "This is a refund for a discounted item", "note": "We're paying back the customer.", "status": { "code": "1234", "description": "This refund has been processed", "reasonCode": "1234", "reason": [ "Discount Refund" ] }, "paymentAmount": 431.23, "invoiceReference": [ { "identifier": "3", "description": "Sample Invoice", "note": "This is a refund invoice", "lineNumberIdentifier": "2", "invoiceAdjustment": [ { "identifier": [ "51F8E6AB-61BB-4448-A25F-326BEF4DE3E2" ], "invoiceDispute": [ { "lineNumberIdentifier": "2", "disputedAmount": 14.58, "adjustedInvoiceTotalAmount": 14.58, "adjustedTotalTaxAmount": ".83", "invoiceLineDisputeDetail": [ { "lineNumberIdentifier": "2", "customerPriceListPrice": { "chargeAmount": 14.53, "quantityRange": { "minimumQuantity": 0, "maximumQuantity": 99 }, "unitAmount": 14.53 }, "adjustedInvoiceLineAmount": 14.53, "disputedAmount": 14.53, "orderedItem": { "identifier": "12345", "customerItemIdentification": { "identifier": "98765" }, "supplierItemIdentification": { "identifier": "9192939" }, "gtinid": "1234567890123", "description": [ "This is a widget" ] }, "shippedItemInstance": { "identifier": "12345", "customerItemIdentification": { "identifier": "98765" }, "supplierItemIdentification": { "identifier": "9192939" }, "gtinid": "1234567890123" } } ] } ], "invoiceAllowance": [ { "identifier": [ "D6B8E83A-4A44-4BFD-A69A-5CD8F597A9B2" ], "basisAmount": 2.14, "basisQuantity": 6, "description": [ "These are example widgets" ], "amount": 4.16, "reasonCode": [ "Discounted refund" ], "currencyExchangeRate": [ { "sourceCurrencyCode": "USD", "targetCurrencyCode": "USD", "rateNumber": 4, "setDateTime": "2021-02-01", "sourceIdentifier": "12345" } ], "timePeriod": { "startDateTime": "2020-09-18T08:33:04-05:00", "endDateTime": "2020-09-18T08:33:04-06:00" }, "tax": [ { "basisAmount": 4.16, "basisQuantity": 6, "calculation": { "rateNumber": 90.1 }, "taxAuthorityAmount": { "content": 7.5, "currencyCode": "string" }, "amount": 43.16 } ], "promotionReference": [ { "identifier": "F4D97397-6F55-4E5A-B65C-FD4FAB9159C0" } ] } ] } ] } ] } ] } }