I see three different types of tutorials. a) Overview; b) Essential; c) Deep dive. The difference between (a) and (b) is subtle and sometimes they could overlap. Type (a) is typically broader than type (b) and (c), both of them are not deep in the tutorial topic. If the deep dive tutorial is going to take longer than 5 mins, then maybe it is a good idea to have an essential tutorial. It is okay if the tutorials are overlapped.
General and BIE Section
Introduce the tool: Give an overview that Score is the generic name of the tool. connectCenter is the OAGi marketed name of the tool. The tool consists of CC, BIE, Business Context, OpenAPI Document, and Code List management. Explain what is CC, BIE, and Code List. The video may explain different types of CCs and BIEs according to CCTS. (a) - https://oagi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYAMLAE
Tool deployment: Explain the various instances deployed by OAGi (except the test instance). Explain the on-prem deployment, point to resources to help the interested user deploy the tool, and keep it synced with the latest connectSpec release. Mention the OAUTH connectivity. (a) - https://oagi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CABCLAE ~ Assigned to Hakju Oh
User type essential: Explain Score user types, their user management authorization, and their restrictions on important aspects of CC, BIE, and Code List lifecycle. (b) - https://oagi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DYBDLAE ~ Assigned to Serm Kulvatunyou
Deep Dive
BIE Creation: Explain briefly what the BIE is in relation to the CC. May need to talk about releases as well. Then, cover BIE creation and all parts of Business Context creation from Context Category, Scheme, and Scheme Values creations to the Business Context itself. (c) - https://oagi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DwBBLAE ~ Assigned to Hakju Oh
Searching for a BIE deep dive: Go into different search filters on the BIE management page. Emphasize that they have to be on the right branch. ~ Assigned to Serm Kulvatunyou
BIE Editing features deep dive: Go into detail about BIE editing features, selecting different types of BIE nodes, BIE reuse (but don’t go over how to create a reusable BIE), specifying example, value domain, code list (explain what code list can be available for selection), high unused, expand a few depths, search within the tree. (c) - https://oagi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/A4CSQwE ~ Assigned to Hakju Oh
Advanced BIE Editing/Viewing functions: Possibly refactor some BIE Editing/Viewing feature from the previous use case into this one. The less use ones like Enable 2, Enable 3, etc. Perhaps talk about the possible BIE Inverse Mode here too.
Reusable BIE: Make BIE reusable, reused it. When is BIE reusable, when it is not, etc. Reuse Report (I (Serm) don’t know how to read it.) - https://oagi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BwCWQwE ~ Assigned to Hakju Oh
BIE Expression essential: Explain the popular expression features. - https://oagi.atlassian.net/wiki/x/GADsQwE ~ Assigned to Hakju Oh
BIE Expression features deep dive: Explain pretty much all the expression options.
BIE/Code List Uplifting essential: Use simple use case
BIE Uplifting deep dive: Use more complicated use case
Business Context Management in Detail: Explain what is a business context. Explain in more detail about Business Context ownership and life cycle. When can BC related entity can be discard. BIE BC can change any time.
Copy BIE: Not just show BIE copying but also suggesting what are the use cases to copy a BIE. ~ Assigned to Serm Kulvatunyou
CC Section
Understanding CC releases: A short video explaining what releases mean. Maybe also briefly talk about what changes can occur across CC releases.
Reading the CC tree and its detail: This video serves as introducing in more detail the various types of CC entity including the DT.
Creating and editing a new ACC:
Searching for and revising a published (released) ACC: