Tool Accessibility
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[Opening Scene]
Narrator: "In this video, we 'll explore an example of a deployment strategy example used to support data exchange standardizationmanage tool instances in practice. This example comes from a close collaboration with OAGi, a partner in the Score project."
[Scene transitions to the Score project logo alongside the OAGi logo, displayed with a clean, professional background.]
Narrator: "OAGi works with the Score project to develop and implement effective strategies for data exchange standardization. Today, we’ll focus on one such deployment strategy and its components."
[Scene transitions to a full-screen architectural diagram showing the development, production, and demo instances, as well as on-premises instances.]
Narrator: "This deployment strategy includes multiple instances designed to serve specific purposes within the data exchange lifecycle. Each instance consists of a database for storing data, a service responsible for business logic, and a web component for the UI. These components form a single instance, which is operated under names such as development, production, and demo, depending on the operational context. Let’s take a closer look."
Narrator: "The 'Demo Instance' serves an advertising and promotional purpose. It allows potential users and stakeholders to explore and understand the benefits of the standards in a controlled, demonstrative setting."
[Diagram highlights the 'Relationships.']
Narrator: "Additionally, the standardized data completed in the Development instance is distributed to other instances, ensuring that each instance remains up-to-date."
[Diagram highlights 'On-Premises Instances'.]
Narrator: "Moreover, partner Partner member companies have established 'On-Premises Instances' for their business operations. These instances are customized to fit the unique requirements of each organization and are hosted within their own secure infrastructures."
Narrator: "Some on-premises instances utilize OpenID Connect for authentication, ensuring secure and streamlined access to the standards and related tools."
[Scene transitions to a visual of synchronized instances with a focus on 'connectSpec' releases.]
Narrator: "To maintain consistency and ensure that all users have access to the latest developments, all instances, including the on-premises instances, are synchronized with the latest connectSpec release. This synchronization ensures that everyone is working with the most up-to-date standards."
[Scene transitions back to the OAGi logo with a final professional background.]
Narrator: "Discover more about how OAGi’s instances can benefit your organization. Visit our website to learn moreYou can request access to the demo site today by sending email to member.services@oagi.org. Thank you."
[Screen fades to the website URL and contact information.]