Narrator: "In this video, we'll explore the various instances deployed by OAGi to support different aspects of an example of a deployment strategy used to support data exchange standardization. This example comes from a close collaboration with OAGi, a partner in the Score project."
[Scene transitions to the Score project logo alongside the OAGi logo, displayed with a clean, professional background.]
Narrator: "OAGi has strategically deployed several connectCenter instances to support different aspects of works with the Score project to develop and implement effective strategies for data exchange standardization. Let’s explore these instances and their purposesToday, we’ll focus on one such deployment strategy and its components."
[Scene changes transitions to a full-screen architectural diagram showing the development, production, and demo instances, as well as on-premises instances.]
Narrator: "Let's start by looking at the overall architecture of the deploymentThis deployment strategy includes multiple instances designed to serve specific purposes within the data exchange lifecycle. Let’s take a closer look."
[Diagram highlights the 'Development Instance.']