OAGi SME Express Pack Files
Download zip file produced on 2021-11-08
This zip file contains the following resources for all messages specified for this express pack.
JSON schema
Open API spec (JSON)
Open API spec (YAML)
XML schema
Example JSON instance
Sample JSON Instance
{ "productionOrder": { "typeCode": "Co-Manufacturer", "productionOrderHeader": { "identifier": "cbb414fd-04e2-4b29-8df9-e422ef8e1744", "lastModificationDateTime": "2020-06-01T09:30:00-05:00", "note": { "content": "Customer is in urgent need of 1800 lbs", "author": "Bob Jones", "entryDateTime": "2020-06-01T09:30:00-05:00" }, "status": { "code": "Original" }, "bomReference": { "identifier": "2f9c1fcb-414d-44fa-ba65-d9a5f511dbcd", "revisionIdentifier": "5.1", "documentDateTime": "2020-05-28T18:00:00-05:00", "effectivity": { "effectiveTimePeriod": [ { "startDateTime": "2020-05-28T18:00:00-05:00", "endDateTime": "2020-06-04T17:59:00-05:00" } ] } }, "item": { "identifier": "12332", "description": "Product Descriptions" }, "siteLocation": { "typeCode": "BranchPlant", "identifier": "MC", "name": "Mason City" }, "party": { "identifier": "234343", "name": "Co-ManufacturerA", "location": { "identifier": "1", "name": "Cut And Shoot" } }, "priorityCode": "Urgent", "orderQuantity": { "content": 2000, "unitCode": "LB" }, "requiredQuantity": { "content": 1800, "unitCode": "LB" }, "needDeliveryDate": "2020-06-15T09:30:00-05:00", "dueDateTime": "2020-06-15T09:30:00-05:00", "serialLot": { "typeCode": "Batch", "identifier": "d6a6c7f0-3e07-4885-b4b8-f9b0d7a1ece9" }, "contractReference": { "identifier": "1923123" } }, "productionOrderLine": [ { "typeCode": "Substitute", "actionCode": "Add", "lineNumberIdentifier": "1", "note": "Use this raw material, as last lot of BOM referenced material is defective, replace with specific lot cited in item instance", "status": [ {} ], "manufacturingItemInstance": { "typeCode": "substitute", "identifier": "234343", "revisionIdentifier": "2.0.2", "upcid": "382764899245", "gtinid": "012345678905", "uid": "21130168-9A2F-49C8-8138-D1B995426301", "rfid": [ "string" ], "serialNumberIdentifier": [ "NA" ], "lot": { "identifier": "4ffb0d41-0895-40be-8bdb-a6e9ad3c7ca8" }, "quantity": { "content": 20, "unitCode": "string" }, "description": "part A", "packaging": [ { "typeCode": "Pallet", "capacityPerPackageQuantity": { "unitCode": "LB" } } ] }, "orderQuantity": { "content": 1, "unitCode": "EA" }, "trackingIndicator": true } ] } }