IOF Membership Policy

IOF Membership Policy

Table of Contents

1. Overview

IOF membership is open to any organization, and individuals in certain professional or educational situations, who are interested in helping the IOF achieve its objectives. Membership fees for organizations are determined by organization type, selected involvement level, and annual gross revenue (for businesses). Individual membership are by invitation only, and limited to experts or students in a field related to the IOF’s objectives.

2. Initialisms

  • GB: Governance Board

  • IOF: Industrial Ontologies Foundry

  • N/A: not applicable

  • TBD: to be determined

  • TOB: Technical Oversight Board

  • WG: Working Group

3. Membership Types, Involvement Levels, and Privileges

3.1. Membership Types

IOF offers five membership types in two categories: organization and individual. Eligibility for each membership type and category is specified in section 4.

3.1.1. Organization memberships:

  • Business

  • Government agency

  • Research or academic institution

  • Non-profit organizations (e.g., industry associations, standards organization)

Where an organization may be determined to fit multiple categories, the GB will assign the organization to one category.

3.1.2. Individual memberships

Individual memberships must be approved by the GB. Any TOB or GB member may recommend such membership to the GB.

  • Industry Expert: An individual from academia or other professional who is not associated with one of the member organizations, is an expert in a field related to IOF objectives, and has a strong desire to contribute to its goals.

  • Student: An individual who is registered at an educational institution leading to a baccalaureate or higher degree, who at time of application to the IOF is able to show a clear connection to the objectives of the IOF as demonstrated by their academic objectives, including but not limited to their major/minor field of study, undergraduate research, or thesis work.

3.2. Membership Involvement Levels

Governing Membership Involvement Level on Hold

The IOF Governance Board has determined that membership dues will not be invoiced until such time that it determines that business uncertainties related to the COVID-19 pandemic are better understood, have been mitigated, or have diminished. Consequently the Governing Membership Level is on hold until dues are established.

Organizations other than non-profit organizations must designate their involvement level. The involvement levels are:

  • Governing: Most privileges. Members who have designated this involvement level are “governing members”.

  • Contributing: Second most privileges. Members who have designated this involvement level are “contributing members”.

Membership privileges are specified in section 4.

4. Membership Eligibility

Organization/Individual Description



Industry Expert


Organization/Individual Description



Industry Expert





Government institution



Research or academic institution



Non-profit organization




Industry expert, not employed by an organization*




Industry expert, employed by an organization*



GB discretion






*Other eligibility details in section 3.1.

5. Membership Privileges




Industry Expert





Industry Expert


One voting seat on the Governance Board (GB). A person may serve on the GB and TOB simultaneously.




Eligible to be selected to serve as GB or TOB board chairperson (not both simultaneously).




Special recognition on IOF website (logo)




Participate in TOB meetings

TOB chair's discretion

Serve on the GB in a non-voting advisory role if invited by the GB




Permission to attend various IOF events such as conferences, face-to-face working meetings, and workshops

Receive emails from the IOF general mailing list

Download conference and workshop presentation content (subject to presenter making such material available to the IOF)

Participate in IOF working group conference calls.

Recognized on IOF website (organization name, participant picture & biography, if desired)



Participate in working groups

WG chair's discretion

Edit access to applicable working group content

Eligible to chair WG


6. Annual Membership Dues

Table summarizing IOF membership due can be found on this page.

  1. Education Institution and Businesses with revenue less than 1,000,000 EUR may also settle a portion of their dues through in-kind contributions to IOF initiatives (e.g., providing faculty or student time to create ontology artifacts; provide infrastructure support).

  2. There are no membership dues for Industry Expert, or Student membership types.

  3. “Revenue” refers to annual gross revenue.

  4. Memberships are effective for 12 months and must be renewed annually based on a membership date effective the date that a membership application is approved.

  5. The GB will review membership dues periodically and may revise them.

7. Organizational Membership Admissions Procedure

  1. Organizations may apply for membership by submitting the online membership application. The Secretary shall perform an initial review to verify the completeness of the submitted information. If complete, the Secretary shall pass the application on to the GB.

  2. The GB has five business days to review the application. If no IOF GB members object during the review period, then the application is approved, the Secretary shall notify the applicant, and the IOF shall issue a membership invoice as applicable.

  3. In the event one or more GB board members objects to the application, the GB shall determine a course of action no later than the conclusion of their next scheduled meeting following the review period. The Secretary shall notify the applicant as appropriate.

8. Individual Membership Admissions Procedure

  1. Individuals may apply for membership by submitting the online membership application. The Secretary shall perform an initial review to verify the completeness of the submitted information. If complete, the Secretary shall pass the application on to the GB member designated to review individual applications (Application Reviewer).

  2. The Application Reviewer will approve or reject the application with three business days. If approved, the Secretary shall notify the applicant.

  3. If rejected, the Application Reviewer shall compose a written justification for the rejection and the GB shall confirm it or reverse it (i.e., approve the application) no later than the conclusion of their next scheduled meeting. The Secretary shall notify the applicant as appropriate.

9. Membership or Participation Termination Procedure

Valid termination causes include inactivity, persistent or severe code of conduct violations, and failure to pay membership dues.

Termination process:

  1. The GB becomes aware by any method that a member or participant should be considered for membership or participation termination.

  2. The GB will investigate the matter and vote to terminate or not terminate. Other points:

    1. The vote outcome must be unanimous with all GB members voting.

    2. There is no appeal.

    3. Membership fees will not be refunded except in the case of that the GB determines that compelling special circumstances exist.

    4. An investigation report will be archived and referenced in the minutes.

  3. GB Chair will notify applicable people about the outcome.

  4. If the vote outcome is termination, the IOF will revoke all membership privileges from applicable people and organizations.

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