OAGi SME Express Pack Files
Download zip file produced on 2021-11-08
This zip file contains the following resources for all messages specified for this express pack.
JSON schema
Open API spec (JSON)
Open API spec (YAML)
XML schema
Example JSON instance
Sample JSON Instance
{ "operation": { "identifier": "0a5d9422-bbe9-44ae-82eb-5aa2b08ac3cf", "lastModificationDateTime": "2020-06-01T09:35:00-05:00", "documentDateTime": "2020-06-01T09:35:00-05:00", "description": "Milling", "note": "Please expedite", "attachment": [ { "typeCode": "IGES", "uri": "https://help.contentmanagementsystem.ent.company.com/manufacture/item/workcenter.mov", "fileName": "workcenter.mov" } ], "typeCode": "Planned", "bomReference": { "identifier": "2f9c1fcb-414d-44fa-ba65-d9a5f511dbcd", "revisionIdentifier": "5.1", "documentDateTime": "2020-05-28T18:00:00-05:00" }, "routeReference": { "identifier": "1c55355a-515f-4dfb-983c-b7ba8b3480ea", "description": "manufacturing of item a", "productionOrderReference": { "identifier": "cbb414fd-04e2-4b29-8df9-e422ef8e1744", "itemIdentification": { "identifier": "12332" }, "extension": [ {} ] }, "operationReference": [ { "identifier": "9b5c16d1-8fd4-4cbc-ba36-f973e49b0462", "typeCode": "PriorOperation", "description": "Bin Fill", "note": { "content": "using peanut shells", "author": "Bob", "entryDateTime": "2020-11-03T11:04:00-05:00" } } ] }, "processCode": "Milling", "machineSetupDependencyCodes": { "code": [ { "content": "A", "typeCode": "Dye" } ] }, "batchSizeQuantity": 2000, "quantity": { "content": 1800, "unitCode": "LBS" }, "setupTimeDuration": { "content": "20", "typeCode": "Planned Minutes" }, "runTimeDuration": { "content": "10", "typeCode": "Planned Minutes" }, "tearDownDuration": { "content": "5", "typeCode": "Planned Minutes" }, "effectivity": { "effectiveTimePeriod": { "startDateTime": "2020-07-01T09:35:00-05:00", "endDateTime": "2020-07-01T09:45:00-05:00" } }, "siteLocation": { "typeCode": "Workcenter", "identifier": "2", "name": "Milling", "locationEquipmentSpecification": { "identifier": "Pellet Mill", "property": [ { "nameValue": { "content": "0.25", "name": "Pellet Die Size", "unitCode": "INCH" } } ] } }, "trackingIndicator": true, "step": [ { "identifier": "d3d14e33-0e2d-42b8-b802-0382dfae4eca", "description": "step one", "note": "when you are performing this step, ensure to calibrate the instrument", "sequenceNumber": 1 } ] } }