Provides the details of the PurchaseOrder either sent by a Customer, or retrieved by the Supplier from the Customer.
JSON Schema
OpenAPI Spec (POST)
OpenAPI Spec (GET)
Sample Payload
{ "purchaseOrder": { "typeCode": "DirectShip", "purchaseOrderHeader": { "identifier": "123232", "lastModificationDateTime": "2021-02-22T14:57:01-05:00", "note": "Urgent Need for 1800 lbs", "status": { "code": "Open" }, "customerParty": { "identifier": "58885", "dunsid": "3434343", "accountIdentifier": "58885" }, "supplierParty": { "identifier": "string", "name": "SmallBusinessA" }, "shipToParty": { "identifier": "58885", "name": "Happy Dairy Farm", "location": { "identifier": "Location1232321", "coordinate": { "verticalMeasure": "15Z", "latitudeMeasure": 43.580301503358996, "longitudeMeasure": -92.57476726492425 }, "physicalAddress": { "addressLine": [ "12345 Co Hwy 8" ], "cityName": "Le Roy", "countrySubDivisionCode": [ { "content": "MN", "typeCode": "State" } ], "countryCode": "USA", "postalCode": "55951-1234" }, "glnid": "123456789" }, "contact": { "typeCode": "Owner", "personName": { "formattedName": "Mabel E. Farmer " }, "telephoneCommunication": [ { "typeCode": "Mobile", "identifier": "01.507.555.1234" } ], "emailAddressCommunication": { "identifier": "" } } }, "contractReference": { "identifier": "contract123232" }, "billToParty": { "identifier": "125484", "accountIdentifier": "1232323", "name": "Mary's Accounting Services" }, "transportationTerm": { "freightTermCode": "DLV" }, "tax": { "typeCode": "Sales", "amount": { "content": 549.3551, "currencyCode": "USD" } }, "requestedShipDateTime": "2021-03-04T08:00:00-05:00" }, "purchaseOrderLine": [ { "actionCode": "Original", "lineNumberIdentifier": "1", "item": { "customerItemIdentification": { "identifier": "091818" }, "manufacturerItemIdentification": { "typeCode": "SKU", "identifier": "1213579" }, "supplierItemIdentification": { "typeCode": "SKU", "identifier": "1213579" }, "upcid": "NA", "gtinid": "NA", "description": "Custom Feed Blend - Derived from Milk Max Plus Basic" }, "quantity": { "content": 2000, "unitCode": "LB" }, "unitPrice": { "basisQuantity": { "content": 1, "unitCode": "LB" }, "unitAmount": { "content": 3.6502, "currencyCode": "USD" } }, "extendedAmount": { "content": 7300.4, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "totalAmount": { "content": 7849.7551, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "tax": { "taxJurisdicationCodes": { "code": "Mower County" }, "calculation": { "rateNumber": 0.07525 }, "amount": { "content": 549.3551, "currencyCode": "USD" }, "currencyExchangeRate": { "sourceCurrencyCode": "USD", "targetCurrencyCode": "USD", "rateNumber": 1, "setDateTime": "2021-03-04T08:00:00-05:00" } }, "specialPriceAuthorizationCode": "NA", "taxExemptCodes": { "code": "NA" }, "taxExemptIndicator": false } ] } }