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8 - 11 April 2025

09:00 start each day


Agenda time zone: EST US EDT (UTC -54)
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NIST National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) [map]

9700 Great Seneca Hwy, Rockville, MD Maryland 20850, USA


Registration Fee: 350 USD Early and 450 USD for Late

Online Registration Form - TBA



Serm Kulvatunyou (NIST), Farhad Ameri (Arizona State University), Jim Wilson (OAGi), Jim Logan (OAGi IOF / Ontogenesis), Barry Smith (NCOR), Michael Figura (OAGi), Jim Wilson (OAGi IOF), Dusan Sormaz (Ohio University), Milos Drobnjakovic (NIST), Arkopaul Sarkar (NIST), Alexandru Todor (DIN Software), Melinda Hodkiewicz (UWA), Gabriela Henning (Intech), Josh Ki (Lockheed Martin), Roger Hart (NIIMBL), Adlane Rebai (Merck Millipore Sigma), Stephen Wing (Merck Millipore Sigma), Elyse Eason (Merck), Dimitris Kiritsis,


Event Photos

Tuesday, 8 April : Plenary, tutorials and working sessions (09:00 -





Opening Plenary


Agenda Topic



09:00 - 09:05

Welcome from the organizers

Serm Kulvatunyou (NIST)

Welcome and logistics info from the organizers

09:05 - 09:10

Welcome from the host

Joanie Chin, NIST Engineering Lab Director

09:10 - 09:35

Opening remarks

Jim Wilson (OAGi President and CEO)

Introduce OAGi and OAGi IOF/Connect memberships and their organizational missions. Updates on the organizational changes, e.g., BMIC formation.

09:35 - 10:15

Knowledge Graph and AI

Chaitan Baru Jemin George (NSF Program Director and Army Research Laboratory)

NSF Proto-OKN Project

10:15 - 10:45

Ontology in Industry

Rebeca Arista (Airbus)

This talk will showcase the Execelab project at Airbus featuring the integration of design and simulation using an IOF Driven Semantic Hub.

Break: 10:45 - 11:10

11:00 - 11:30

Ontology and AI

Nicole Manno and Douglas Orellana (ManTech)

This talk, entitled “Enhancing Accessibility to Portfolio Analyses through an Ontologically-Backed Digital Thread”, will showcase ManTech’s Smart Portfolio Solution which uses AI and an ontologically-backed digital thread architecture to allow users to access and analyze complex data across information systems.

11:30 - 12:00

Metadata Modeling for Enterprise Integration

Yan Lu (NIST)

The talk introduces a uniform, general, and extendable metadata model which captures and represents the most essential metadata elements for finable, accessible, interoperable and reusable manufacturing data for Industry 4.0/5.0.

12:00 - 12:30

Industrial Data Sharing Security

Ian Phillips (Lockheed Martin)

This talk will describe a new initiative at OAGi to fill the standard gaps that would enable a Federated Data Security. Current shortcomings in current data sharing security and the need for a new Federated Data Security scheme will be described.

Lunch: 12:30 - 13:30

Tue Breakout Sessions


Breakout 1

Breakout 2

13:30 - 15:30

IOF for Digital Thread Tutorial

Organizers: Dusan Sormaz and Saruda Seeharit (Ohio University)

Synopsis: This tutorial will walk the participants through an hands-on exercise to use GraphDB tools with IOF ontology constructs to capture and retrieve digital thread of a manufactured product in various lifecycle phases in a consistent pattern.

Enterprise Integration Governance with OAGi Connect Tutorial

Organizers: Josh Ki (Lockheed Martin), Hakju Oh (NIST), Michael Figura (OAGi)

Synopsis: This tutorial will demonstrate how Lockheed Martin has use the OAGi connectCenter tool, which has been co-developed with NIST, in enterprise integration governance. Recently released features such as the Business Information Entity (BIE) reuse and inheritance and BIE Package management will be covered.

Break: 15:30 - 16:00

16:00 - 18:00

IOF Core Tutorial
Organizers: Jim Logan (OAGi IOF / Ontogenesis) and Arkopaul Sarkar (NIST)

Synopsis: This tutorial will walk the audiences through usages of entities in the IOF Core focusing on those added/changed in recent releases such as Event, State, and Situation.

Biomanufacturing Ontology Tutorial
Organizers: Milos (NIST) and Roger/Adlane (NIST)

Synopsis: NIIMBL has recently donated biomanufacturing ontology to the IOF. While the ontology is still a work-in-progress, this tutorial will walk the audiences through use cases, discuss issues related to modeling and instantiations of various types of recipes.

Reception (Yard House Rio)

For tutorials, participants are expected to have their own laptop to do hands-on exercises. Protege, Mobi, or other applications may be used depending on the instructor.

Wednesday, 9 April

: Plenary, tutorials and working sessions (09:00 - 18:00)


Agenda Topic



09:00 - 09:30

IOF Quality Materials and Qualities Ontology Update

Thomas Hanke (Fraunhofer)

Alexandru Todor (DIN Software)

This talk will provide updates about the quality materials and qualities ontology being worked on in the IOF Material Science and Engineering WG.

09:30 - 10:00

Smart StandardStandards

Alexandru Todor (DIN Software)

This talk will describe the smart standard initiative which aims that setting a new standard for standard by encoding it using ontology for enhancing clarity, semantic precision, and testability.

Break: 10:00 - 10:20

10:20 - 11:00

Ontology in Industry

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Ontology Standard Effort

Stephen Kahman (CrownPoint Technology)

Pharmaceutical Industry Chemical, Manufacturing and Control Ontology Standard Effort

11:00 - 11:30

Lifecycle Assessment Ontology

Stephen Granite (CrownPoint Technology) and Ana Nikolov (NIST)

This talk will explore how ontologies can enhance life cycle analysis for biomanufacturing processes.

11:30 - 12:00

IOF Ontology Pattern

Arkopaul Sarkar (NIST), Jim Logan (OAGi IOF / Ontogenesis), Milos Drobnjakovic (NIST)

This talk will describe the detail of the first release of the IOF Ontology Patterns.

12:00 - 12:30

Data and Ontology project at NIIMBL

Roger Hart (NIIMBL) and Stephen Wing (Merck MilliporeSigma)

This talk will describe the current plan for data schema and ontology standard development driven by the needs in the biopharmaceutical manufacturing industry.

Lunch: 12:30 - 13:30

Wed Breakout Sessions


Breakout 1

Breakout 2

13:30 - 15:30

IOF Architecture WG Meeting

Organizers: Will Sobel

Synopsis: The IOF Architecture WG Meeting covers the changes in the IOF development process, focusing on the high-level workflow and management of ontologies in source control (GitHub). The Architecture WG made progress in defining the rules for what constitutes a domain ontology, a module, and a sub-domain ontology to inform content organization when developing ontologies and achieve consistent structure across all working groups. The meeting will also cover changes made to the annotation vocabulary, how those changes impact the development processes, and how those changes need to be incorporated into existing ontologies. The ontology community has not adequately addressed many of these issues, so the IOF is doing some green field work specifying the rules and procedures for normative ontology development.

Ontology for Additive Manufacturing (AM)

Organizers: Yan Lu, Shengyen Li, Lisha White (NIST)

Synopsis: This session will discussion notions covering ontology for simulation, service composition, and additive manufacturing. The use cases are driven by digital twin composition to enhance additive manufacturing qualityDespite its rapid interest, the use of models and simulations, which is critical in the era of digital twin (DT), remains a challenge for AM development. Currently, there is a lack of methods for characterizing digital twin models and computation technology to meet various requirements of AM decision makings. Thus, this session opens the conversation on how to potentially use ontology to achieve “fit-for-purpose” DT development and deployment for AM and start discussing notions related to modeling and simulation, and DT composition in the context of AM.

Break: 15:30 - 16:00

16:00 - 18:00

Supply Chain Ontology Tutorial

Organizer: Farhad and Ali

Synopsis: This session will feature hands-on exercise in utilizing the supply chain ontology for a supply chain use case.

Product Service Systems Working Group Meeting

Organizers: Ana Correia (ATB Bremen)

Synopsis: The session will present the PSS-Pass project ( where we are creating Digital Passports for Product Service Systems in 3 industrial pilots (in different manufacturing sectors). This session will continue to discuss terms and plans to release the first version of the product service systems ontology. Bill of Materials and related notions will be discussed.

Banquet (Yard House Rio)

Thursday, 10 April


: Tutorials and working sessions (09:00 - 18:00)


Breakout 1

Breakout 2

Breakout 3

09:00 - 11:00

BFO Tutorial

Organizers: Barry Smith (University at Buffalo) and Jim Logan (OAGi IOF / Ontogenesis)

Synopsis: The first hour will give general introduction to BFO, aimed at newcomers. The second hour will address issues that people are having with BFO. Issues will be collected in advance.

Reasoning with Machine Learning Lifecycle Ontology

Organizers: Perawit, Hakju Oh, and Ana Nicolov (NIST)

Synopsis: This session will present the need and use cases for a Machine Learning Lifecycle Ontology (MLLO). Then, an overview of MLLO will be given. The audience will be walked through a hands-on tutorial on using the Machine Learning Lifecycle Explorer (MLLE) system. MLLE is a NIST-developed open-source tool for interacting with MLLO data, which aims to aid ML model understanding and reuse. Session chairs are working on an additional scenario to be included in the tutorial in order to demonstrate how MLLO may expedite ML development tasks such as feature selection.

Break 11:00 - 11:20

11:20 - 13:00

Visualizing Ontology in UML-Like Diagram with Opensource Tools

Organizers: Arkopaul Sarkar and Evan Wallace (NIST)

Synopsis: This session will go over a PlantUML pattern developed in the IOF for visualizing, brainstorming, and documenting OWL ontology and axioms. The audience will be guided through an exercise to use the pattern on some ontology expressions of their choice. A software tool is being develop to render OWL using the PlantUML pattern and the session may include a tutorial on such tool.

IOF Core/CCO Mapping Workshop
Organizers: Ali Hasanzadeh (Arizona State University) and John Beverly (University at Buffalo)

Synopsis: This session will discuss the relationship and potential mechanical linkage between CCO and IOF Core ontologies.

Aerospace Industry Roundtable

Organizers: Rebeca Arista (Airbus), Jim Logan (OAGi IOF/Ontogenesis)

Synopsis: This is an invitation only session. Please contact Jim Logan if you are interested in joining. In this session, Rebeca will present her vision about IOF ontology use to support Airbus' missions. Then a discussion will be opened to participants with the objective to identify action items that lead to an aerospace industry working together to create a shared aerospace industrial ontology.

Lunch 13:00 - 14:00

14:00 - 16:00

Core Working Group/Patterns Meeting

Organizers: Arkopaul Sarkar (NIST), Jim Logan (OAGi IOF / Ontogenesis), Milos Drobnjakovic (NIST)

Synopsis: This session will showcase IOF patterns that have been developed in the IOF WG over the past year.

OAGi Connect Meeting Part 1 (Detailed Agenda)

Organizers: Jim Wilson (OAGi) and Serm Kulvatunyou (NIST)

Synopsis: OAGi Connect Meeting is a half-day program where detailed updates and working sessions related to the OAGi connectCenter tool and OAGi connectSpec standard will be conducted. Cross-cutting topics across the Connect and IOF standards and tools will also be discussed in this session. Key topics this year includes the OAGi Roadmap for Standards-based Semantics Integration, Multi-standard Management, and Mapping Data Management.

16:00 - 18:00

System Engineering Working Group Meeting

Organizers: Jim Logan (OAGi IOF / Ontogenesis), Allen Chow (Boeing)

Synopsis: The System Engineering WG will discuss use case and terms such as Model.

Friday, 11 April


: Breakout Sessions (09:00 - 13:00)


Breakout 1

Breakout 2

09:00 - 11:00

Demonstration of Airbus' System Engineering using IOF Ontology

Organizers: Rebeca Arista (Airbus), Arkopaul Sakar (NIST)

Synopsis: This is a demonstration of the Execelab project featuring the integration of system architecture and simulation models using an IOF ontology-driven Semantic Hub to facilitate design decisions for aircraft manufacturing using IOF ontologies.

OAGi Connect Meeting Part 2 (Detailed Agenda)

Organizers: Jim Wilson (OAGi) and Serm Kulvatunyou (NIST)

Synopsis: OAGi Connect Meeting is a half-day program where detailed updates and working sessions related to the OAGi connectCenter tool and OAGi connectSpec standard will be conducted. Cross-cutting topics across the Connect and IOF standards and tools will also be discussed in this session. Key topics this year includes the OAGi Roadmap for Standards-based Semantics Integration, Multi-standard Management, and Mapping Data Management.

11:00 - 13:00

Manufacturing Operation Management Ontology (MOMO) WG

Organizers: Gabriela Henning (UNL-CONICET, Argentina), Adlane Rebai (MilliporeSigma)

Synopsis: At the time of this agenda write up, a MOMO WG is being formulated among some IOF members, motivated by the NIIMBL’s contributed biomanufacturing ontology. This session will inform the audience about the motivation of the WG, WG charter, and discuss issues and findings that have been worked on over the past 6 months such as the relationship with the Production Planning and Scheduling and Product Service Systems WGs and modules.

Detailed Session Agenda

OAGi Connect Meeting Part 1 (Thursday)


Agenda Item

Speakers / Moderators


14:00 - 14:20

Opening and Welcoming

Jim Wilson (OAGi)

Provide OAGi Connect organizational updates, achievement milestones, partnerships, and future outlook.

14:20 - 15:10

Standards-based Semantic Interoperability Roadmap

Nenad Ivezic (Stratevia)/Serm Kulvatunyou (NIST)

This session will present a vision on data integration, and discuss the intersection of traditional standard and ontology-based standard.

15:10 - 16:00

connectCenter application to Agriculture

Brent Kemp, Ben Craker (AgGateway)

This session will talk about the progress and the needs of the AgGateway in the adoption of the connectCenter.

Break: 16:00 - 16:20

16:20 - 17:00

Multi-standard HR-Open/Chem eStandards

Jim Wilson (OAGi)/Hakju Oh (NIST)

This session will present the new connectCenter support for multi-library visualization and management and discuss future direction.

17:00 - 18:00

connectCenter, connectSpec Roadmap Discussion

Jim Wilson (OAGi)

Best practices in business context management. What are the use cases for varying standard expressions such as as GenAI input, as object model for browsing

OAGi Connect Meeting Part 2 (Friday)


Agenda Topic

Speakers / Moderators


09:00 - 10:00

Flexible Supply Chain WG

Salifou Malick (NIST)/Elena Jelisic (NIST)

Mapping use cases and initial tooling

10:00 - 11:00

OAGi Data Security WG

Ian Philips (Lockheed Martin)

This session will work on a list of use cases, use case detail, and project plan for the industrial data sharing security

Break: 11:00 - 11:20

11:20 - 12:00

Modernizing EDI and API for AI

International Trade Administration (ITA)

This session will feature a presentation form ITA and its industry stakeholders in their initiative to modernize EDI and API in the supply chain and logistics in enable AI

12:00 - 12:30

Mapping Efficiency Evaluation

Elena Jelisic (NIST)/Nenad Ivezic (Stratevia)

Presentation about the mapping methods evaluation

12:30 - 13:00

Wrap up

Jim Wilson (OAGi)