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{ "batchCertificateOfAnalysis": { "typeCode": "Batch Quality Report", "batchCertificateOfAnalysisHeader": { "identifier": { "Non-Production Test Batch "content": "1213579", "lastModificationDateTimetypeCode": "2020-08-01T09:35:00-05:00"SKU" }, "documentDateTimelastModificationDateTime": "2020-08-01T09:35:00-05:00", "description": "We'reDairyPlus running a batch test. This is not for production.Animal Feed", "status": { "code": "3344Complete" }, "batch": { "identifier": "5432d6a6c7f0-3e07-4885-b4b8-f9b0d7a1ece9" }, "manufactureDateTime": "2019-11-03T09:34:12.000", "manufacturingPartyshippedQuantity": { "identifiercontent": [1800, "unitCode": "12345LB" ]}, "accountIdentifiersupplierParty": "123456789",{ "locationidentifier": { "123454321", "identifiername": "7685SmallBusinessA", }, "postalAddressmanufacturingParty": [{ "identifier": "123454321", { "location": { "identifier": ["7685", "12" "postalAddress": { ], "typeCode": "BranchPlant", "addressLine": [ "123 Example Street" ], "cityName": "AtlantaBranchPlant", "countrySubDivisionCode": "GAIA", "postalCode": "30316" } ] } } }, "batchCertificateOfAnalysisLine": [ { "attachment": [ { "uri": "https://help.contentmanagementsystem.ent.company.com/manufacture/item/workcenter.mov", "fileName": "workcenter.mov" } ], "status": { "code": "1234", "reasonCode": { "content": "4567", "typeCode": "Combustible" }, "reason": "Quarantined" }, "sampleIdentifier": "1234", "sampledDateTime": "2020-09-01T09:35:00-05:00", "testResult": [ { "identifier": "1234", "testDetail": { "methodDocumentReference": { "identifier": "4567", "description": "This document describes the method of testing.", "uri": "https://help.contentmanagementsystem.ent.company.com/manufacture/item/workcenter.mov", "name": ["Name of "workcenter.mov" ]the method", "agencyName": [ "QIF" ] } }, "performedDateTime": "2020-08-01T09:30:00-05:00", "results": [ { "identifier": "9876", "quantitative": [ { "typeCode": "Pre-Production TestingFinished goods Inspection", "identifier": [ "929292", "resultValue": { ], "resultValuecontent": "FailedFail", "acceptableNameValueRangename": ["Protein" }, { "upperLimit"acceptableNameValueRange": { "content"upperLimit": "Peak Volume", { "namecontent": "Upper Threshold", 2.5, "typeCodename": "FullUpper TankLimit", "unitCode": "MLPCT" }, "lowerLimit": { "content": "Minimum Volume", 1.25, "name": "Lower ThresholdLimit", "unitCode": "ML" "typeCode": "Empty Tank", } "unitCode": "ML" }, "measurement": }{ "measure": 1.1, } ]"unitCode": "PCT" } ]} }] ]} } ] } ] } } |