Enhancement 1: Component browser view
Effectively it would be the view and behavior you experience when doing BIE development but without the checkboxes or context-specific fields.
There could be a pair of options on the View/Edit Core Components page:
Browser view
Edit view
On by default
Option to turn on/off
User’s last mode saved in a cookie
When on, CC editing is not possible
See Add model browser view · Issue #1637 · OAGi/Score (github.com).
Enhancement 2: Sibling sort order
Specific problem statement
connectSpec users can be overwhelmed by the number of child components a component may have. As connectSpec has grown over the years, components are seemingly in random order (e.g., XParty CC, followed by a bunch of non-party related components, followed by YParty).
Enhancement request
The current order is preserved for XML Schema production.
New components are always added as the last among siblings with respect to XML Schema production.
Users in a developer role can reorder siblings.
Enhancement 3: Support updated terminology
Info |
Jim Wilson to post content from the Keynote presentation file that he and Fohn, Steffen (CORP) developed. |
Add "message profile" after "BIE" in the menu.
See Terminology.
Enhancement 4: Show/hide rarely used components
Info |
Upon further consideration, Jim Wilson holds the view that this would be unnecessary if #2 were supported. |
Add a way to indicate that a component is rarely used in the context of a parent component.
Add a way to show/hide rarely-used components.
All others either agreed or had no opinion.k |
Enhancement 5: Reorganize search
Change search as follows:
Filter by ASCCP by default
See Add simplified search option · Issue #1639 · OAGi/Score (github.com).
Enhancement 6: Add simplified search-results view
Keep the existing view as an option
Add a simplified view that looks something like this:
See Add simplified search-results view · Issue #1640 · OAGi/Score (github.com).