BIE Editing features deep dive
PowerPoint files
[Opening Scene]
Narrator: "Welcome back! In our previous video, we explored what a BIE—Business Information Entity—is and how to create one. Today, we're taking it a step further. Let's dive into the rich editing features of BIE and see how they empower you to profile core components effectively."
[Scene transitions to a BIE tree view interface.]
Narrator: "Here, we have a BIE loaded in the tree view. You can Click the right arrow button here to navigate through the nodes, representing various elements of the BIE. Depending on your needs, you can interact with different types of nodes—these could include attributesASBIE, child elementsBBIE, or associationsBBIE SC."
[The narrator highlights a node and selects it.]
Narrator: "Selecting a node opens up its properties panel, where you can refine its details. Let’s start with specifying examples. Providing an example value makes it easier for stakeholders to understand how this node will appear in actual data."
[Scene: Narrator selects a value domain from a dropdown.]
Narrator: "Next, let’s talk about value domains. These define the possible data types or ranges for a node—like string, number, or date. Based node based on the component’s context, you . You can select the most appropriate domain to ensure your BIE aligns with business rules."
[Scene: Narrator selects a code list option.]
Narrator: "Code lists are another essential feature. They allow you to restrict values to a predefined set of codes. For instance, if the node refers to a countrycurrency, you can select an ISO country currency code list. The options available depend on your system's configuration, ensuring flexibility and adherence to standards."