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User Type


User type essential: Explain Score user types, their user management authorization, and their restrictions on important aspects of CC, BIE, and Code List lifecycle.


[Opening Scene]

Narrator: "In this video, we'll explore the different user types in Score, their management roles, authorizations, and their roles and restrictions regarding Core Components (CC), Business Information Entities (BIE), and Code List lifecycles."


Narrator: "Score classifies its users into three categories: Developers, two major roles: Developer and End-Users, and AdministratorsUser. Users in each of these roles may have an additional admin authority. Let's delve into some details of the roles and responsibilities of each user typeintention of these roles."

[Scene transitions to an icon representing a Developerdescribe the developer and end-user roles.]

Narrator: "Developers, short for standard developers, are responsible for creating and refining the standards. They revising the standard core components, including code lists. I should emphasize that the term core components include code lists. Developers also build and deploy releases and manage modules of developed these Core Components (or CCs). Developers also integrate code lists as part of the standard. This ensures that all necessary codes and definitions are available within the standard framework, for short. We should note that Core Components are also correspondingly classified in developer CCs and End User CCs. Developer users only manage only developer CCs and end-users only manage end-user CCs even though end-user CCs can use developer CCs. "

[Scene shows a developer working on CCs, deploying a release, and integrating code lists.]

Narrator: "Developers have full access to the lifecycle of Core Components, allowing them to create, modify, and deploy new versions as needed. They play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and consistency of the standardsstandard."

[Scene transitions to an icon representing an End-User.]
