[Scene changes to 'CCTS' on the screen with a professional background.]
<serm is here>
Narrator: "Based on the UN/CEFACT Core Component Technical Specification, which is also known as ISO 15000-5, or CCTS, Score provides a systematic approach to data standardization . Let's explore its key componentsand its utilization. We will simply refer to this as CCTS in the rest of the video."
[Scene transitions to a visual representation of the CCTS framework.] => This can be just a table showing the full names and abbreviations of the main entities in two columns.
Narrator: "Core Components, or CCs, form the backbone of data standards within Score. These components are categorized into three types: Aggregate Core Components (ACC), Association Core Components (ASCC), and Basic Core Components (BCC)." “There are four main entities in CCTS, namely, Core Component or CC, Business Information Entity or BIE, Business Context or CC, and Value list that includes Code List and Agency ID List. Since Agency ID List is hardly changed, we will focus more on the Code List in our video series. Score allow users to manage all of these entities.”
[Scene transitions to relations between these main entities] => This may be a diagram showing relations between the main entities.
Narrator: “CCs represent the standard such as connectSpec. A business context represents the context in which the standard is used. A BIE represents a profile or a subset of a CC in a particular business context. Code list and agency ID list are two ways among others to provide a value domain for a field in a CC and BIE. Sometimes a more restrictive code list is created from another code list for a context specific use in the respective BIE. We will cover details about each of these main entities in other videos.”
[Scene transitions to list main functionalities in Score]
Narrator: “Score provides functionalities to manage CCs, BIEs, BC, Code List, and Agency ID List. But in addition those, it also provides functionality to manage Open API Document, to Express CC, BIE, and Open API Doc into desired syntactical expression, and lastly to manage Business Term assignment. In the future, Score will provide a mapping management functionality as well.”
[Scene transitions to show Score User Guide page and show its content and search box]
Narrator: “Finally in this video, I would like to say that if you understand the idea around CCs, BIEs, and Business Context that I explain earlier, Score UI is quite intuitive that you can jump right on. And if you get stuck, it is important to remember that there is a searchable User Guide you can access from the UI. You can jump to the respective BIE or CC management tutorial video respective to you have immediate need or interest. Most standard users start with BIE management.”
[Scene Transition to show BIE creation in the simplest form, i.e., BC is just a name “Third Party Dairy Testing for Milk Pasteurision in Slovenia” using Inspection Order CC]
Narrator: “Although a BIE needs a business context, you can create a business context simply with a short description about your integration goal as a start. I.e., there is no need for other entities inside the business context.”
[Scene Transition: check a few fields in the Inspection Order BIE and add context definitions and save. And then express the BIE as a JSON schema]
Narrator: “Here, I’m going to pick a few fields needed for inspection order and specific definition or developer instructions in my context. Then you can see that there are multiple choices to express this BIE, I’m going to pick the JSON schema. You can see that it is pretty intuitive.”
[Scene Transition to show email member.services@oagi.org and thank you]
Narrator: “You request access to Score or connectCenter demo site today by sending email to member.services@oagi.org. Thank you. Hope you enjoy the video. See you in the next one.”
The End.
[Scene shifts to icons representing each type of Core Component with brief animations.]