Attribute Name | Attribute Description | Location | Source |
Package Version ID | A text field used for containing the release package version ID value (ex: CDM_1.1.0). All BIEs released as part of the same CDM package should have the same package version value. | connectCenter+connectSpec | Automatically added by packaging tool |
Package Version Name | A text field used for containing the release package version name value (ex: 2024 Common Data Model Package Release). All BIEs released as part of the same CDM package should have the same package version value. | connectCenter+connectSpec | Automatically added by packaging tool |
Package Description | A text field used for containing a short description of the release package. All BIEs released as part of the same CDM package should have the same package description value. | connectCenter+connectSpec | Automatically added by packaging tool |
Version ID / BIE Version ID | A text field used for containing the BIE version value (ex: CDM_1.1.0). BIEs released as part of the same CDM package may have different values. Already exists in Score/connectCenter, but is not always expressed in XSD Schema | connectCenter+connectSpec | Manually added by user when editing BIE |
Is Updated / Is Packaged | A Score/connectCenter only Boolean field to filter on BIEs that have been updated since the last package release. Or a boolean denoting if the BIE has been published as part of a package | connectCenter only | Default False, set to True by packaging tool |
XML/XSD Example
JSON Example