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Test document format

Each Test Suite document has is written in Markdown format, and consists of the description and multiple test cases. Each Test Case has the description, pre-conditions, assertions, and test steps. Here’s a form of the test suite:

Code Block
# Test Suite #{$number$test_of_testsuite_number} - {$test_suite_name}

> {$test_suite_description}

## Test Case #{$number$test_ofsuite_test_suitenumber.$number$test_of_testcase_number} - {$test_case_name}

> {$test_case_description}

{$pre_conditions_of_test_case if available}

### Test Assertion:

#### Test Assertion #{$number$test_ofsuite_test_suitenumber.$number$test_ofcase_test_casenumber.$number$test_ofassertion_test_assertionnumber}

### Test Step Pre-condition:

{$pre_conditions_of_test_step if available}

### Test Step:

  • number_of_test_suite_number: An assigned test suite number for indexing. Each test suite has a unique number, and it is a sequential starting with 1.

  • test_suite_description: A description of the test suite.

  • number_of_test_case: An assigned test case number for indexing. Each test case has a unique number within the test suite, and it is a sequential starting with 1.

  • test_case_description: A description of the test case.

  • number_of_test_assertion_number: An assigned test assertion number for indexing. Each test assertion has a unique number within the test case, and it is a sequential starting with 1.

  • test_assertion_description: A description of the test assertion.

  • pre_conditions_of_test_step: A set of pre-conditions of test steps. Normally, it contains prerequisites.

  • test_steps: A set sequence of test steps. Each step could indicate reference targeted test assertion(s).
