Comma-Separated Value (CSV) representation of the Express Pack noun definitions is on the horizon.
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title | Diagram source (PlantUML |
Code Block |
| @startuml scenario-077-01
!include sequence-style.plantuml
'categories = SME | Express Pack
title 76 - SME Express Pack
participant "Bank" as b
participant "Customer" as c
participant "Supplier" as s
participant "MES" as m
participant "Workcenter" as w
group Order Management
s -> c: PriceList
c -> s: PurchaseOrder
s -> c: AcknowledgePurchaseOrder
group Manufacturing
s -> m: BOM
s -> m: ProductionOrder
m -> w: Operation
w -> m: WIPStatus
m -> s: WIPStatus
s -> c: CertificateOfAnalysis
group Logistics
s -> c: NotifyShipment
c -> s: ReceiveDelivery
group Finance
s -> c: Invoice
c --> b: ISO 20022 Payment Authorization
c -> s: RemittanceAdvice
show footbox
@enduml |