Each noun is a business information entity (BIE) profile managed by OAGi’s SME Working Group using Score, an open-source tool hosted by OAGi. The open source project is managed by OAGi on GitHub. Developers with expertise in Java, Javascript, Angular.js, and MySQL are invited to contribute to the effort. ISO 20022 is out of scope for the Express Pack.
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| @startuml scenario-076-01
!include sequence-style.plantuml
'categories = SME | Express Pack
title 76 - SME Express Pack
participant "Bank" as b
participant "Customer" as c
participant "Supplier" as s
participant "MES" as m
participant "Workcenter" as w
group Order Management
s -> c: PriceList
c -> s: PurchaseOrder
s -> c: AcknowledgePurchaseOrder
group Manufacturing
s -> m: BOM
s -> m: ProductionOrder
m -> w: Operation
w -> m: WIPStatus
m -> s: WIPStatus
s -> c: CertificateOfAnalysis
group Logistics
s -> c: NotifyShipment
sc -> s: ReceiveDelivery
group Finance
s -> c: Invoice
c --> b: ISO 20022 Payment Authorization
c -> s: RemittanceAdvice
show footbox
@enduml |