Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • JSON Schema for sftp, message oriented middleware, and other non-HTTP transport mechanisms,

  • OpenAPI Specification for RESTful HTTP implementations, allowing code generation of Servers and Clients using Swagger Editor, and,

  • XML Schema for legacy middleware implementations,

  • PlantUML source code for the sequence diagram below, so they can edit and adjust to their specific project,

  • Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) collaboration diagram of the customer and supplier business processes that informed the creation of the Express Pack, which can be adapted to the SME business processes for more detail (courtesy of

Comma-Separated Value (CSV) representation of the Express Pack noun definitions is on the horizon.



titleDiagram source (PlantUML
Code Block
@startuml scenario-076-01
!include sequence-style.plantuml
'categories = SME | Express Pack

title 76 - 


SME Express Pack


participant "Bank"       as b
participant "Customer"   as c
participant "Supplier"   as s
participant "MES"        as m
participant "Workcenter" as w

group Order Management




s ->  


c: PriceList


c -


>  s: PurchaseOrder


    s ->  


c: AcknowledgePurchaseOrder

group Manufacturing


    s ->  


m: BOM


s ->  


m: ProductionOrder


    m ->  


w: Operation


w -> 


 m: WIPStatus


m -


>  s: WIPStatus


  s -> 


 c: CertificateOfAnalysis

group Logistics


   s ->  


c: NotifyShipment


    s -


>  s: ReceiveDelivery

group Finance


s -


>  c: Invoice


c --> 


b: ISO 20022 Payment Authorization


c -


>  s: RemittanceAdvice

show footbox