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{ "receiveDelivery": { "receiveDeliveryHeader": { "identifier": "2130948342", "lastModificationDateTime": "2020-03-20T07:50:45.456-05:00", "documentDateTime": "2020-03-20T07:50:45.456-05:00", "note": "string", "documentReference": { "identifier": "21231232", "typeCode": "PurchaseOrder", "documentDateTime": "2020-03-15T15:45:17.456-06:00" }, "status": { "code": "received" }, "billOfLadingReference": { "identifier": "string", "documentDateTime": "2020-03-19T17:00:45.456-05:00" }, "contractReference": { "identifier": "contract123232" }, "actualDeliveryDateTime": "2021-03-04T12:48:00-05:00", "tareWeightMeasure": { "content": 35000, "unitCode": "LB" }, "netWeightMeasure": { "content": 1800, "unitCode": "LB" }, "grossWeightMeasure": { "content": 36800, "unitCode": "LB" }, "transportationMethodCode": "TL", "dockIdentifier": "D-123232", "carrierParty": { "scacid": "RUAN", "name": "Ruan Transportation", "contact": { "identifier": "Badge1234", "jobTitle": "Driver" } }, "supplierParty": { "identifier": "123454321", "name": "SmallSupplierA" }, "shipToParty": { "identifier": "58885", "name": "Happy Dairy Farm", "location": { "identifier": "Location1232321", "coordinate": { "verticalMeasure": 15, "latitudeMeasure": 43.580301503358996, "longitudeMeasure": -92.57476726492425 }, "physicalAddress": { "addressLine": [ "12345 Co Hwy 8" ], "buildingNumber": "2", "buildingName": "Storage Bin B", "cityName": "Le Roy", "countrySubDivisionCode": [ { "content": "MN", "typeCode": "State" } ], "countryCode": "USA", "postalCode": "55951-1234" }, "glnid": "123456789" }, "contact": { "typeCode": "Owner", "personName": { "formattedName": "Mabel E. Farmer " }, "telephoneCommunication": [ { "typeCode": "Mobile", "identifier": "01.507.555.1234" } ], "emailAddressCommunication": { "identifier": "mabel.e.farmer@email.com" } } }, "containerQuantity": 1, "trackingIdentifier": "string" }, "receiveDeliveryUnit": [ { "typeCode": "Trailer", "identifier": "3243243243434", "trackingIdentifier": "4157451521254", "proNumberIdentifier": "4157451521254", "containerGroupIdentifier": "5", "containerIdentifier": "C-12312323", "rfid": "NA0000000000000001", "sealIdentifier": "4157451521254", "containsHazardousMaterialIndicator": "string", "actualDeliveryDateTime": "2020-03-20T07:50:45.456-05:00", "tareWeightMeasure": "string", "netWeightMeasure": 0, "grossWeightMeasure": "string", "receiveDeliveryUnitItem": [ { "identifier": "1", "customerItemIdentification": { "identifier": "091818" }, "manufacturerItemIdentification": { "typeCode": "SKU", "identifier": "23434343431213579" }, "upcidsupplierItemIdentification": "NA", { "gtinididentifier": "NA1213579", "uid": "34343243434343"}, "serialNumberIdentifierupcid": ["NA", "gtinid": "NA", ]"uid": "34343243434343", "lotserialNumberIdentifier": [ "NA" { ], "typeCodelot": "BATCH",{ "identifiertypeCode": "234415989batch", }"identifier": "234415989" ]}, "attachment": [ { "fileName": "rodents.jpg", "documentDateTime": "2020-03-20T07:50:45.456-05:00", "fileTypeCode": "application/peg", "fileSizeQuantity": 4343433 } ], "countryOfOriginCode": { "content": "USA", "listIdentifier": "3166-3", "listAgencyIdentifier": "ISO" }, "results": { "qualitative": [ { "resultValue": [ { "content": "A lot of broken pellets", "name": "Pellet Consistency" } ] } ], "quantitative": [ { "name": "Moisture", "significantDigitsNumber": 5, "measurement": [ { "dateTime": "2021-06-18T15:52:43.669Z", "measure": 11.23434, "unitCode": "PCT" } ] } ] }, "orderQuantity": { "content": 2000, "unitCode": "LB" }, "shippedQuantity": { "content": 1800, "unitCode": "LB" }, "backOrderedQuantity": { "content": 200, "unitCode": "LB" }, "purchaseOrderReference": { "lineNumberIdentifier": "123232-001" }, "status": { "code": "Received", "reasonCode": "NA", "reason": "PartialNA" }, "receivedQuantity": { "content": 1800, "unitCode": "LB" }, "returnedQuantity": { "content": 0, "unitCode": "LB" }, "receiptDiscrepancy": { "reasonCode": "NA", "itemQuantity": { "content": 0, "unitCode": "LB" }, "note": { "content": "I saw a few rodents in the trailer, but no droppings in the bulk boxes", "author": "Mabel", "entryDateTime": "2020-03-20T07:50:45.456-05:00" } } } ] } ] } } |