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Set with multiple module files and module directories connected in a hierarchical architect.

The OAGIS10.6Canonical ModuleSet structure is set to Score DB by default.

Module files and module directories can be created/modified/deleted, and module files and module directories depend on each ModuleSet.

ModuleSets can be copied from other ModuleSet upon creation.

When you select a Release and a ModuleSetRelease when creating a ModuleSet, you create a new ModuleSetRelease together based on the selected Release and the copied ModuleSet. The assignment information of the component and module file is also copied.


Create a ModuleSetRelease that connects the ModuleSet and Release.

Components belonging to Release can be assigned to modules in ModuleSet.

When creating a ModuleSetRelease, it can be copied from another ModuleSetRelease.

When creating a copy, components with the same GUID are automatically assigned to modules with the same module file path.

ModuleSetRelease assigning

Components (ACC, ASCCP, BCCP, DT, CodeList, AgencyIdList, XBT) included in the release are shown in the unassigned list.


  • CCs are not in Published state.

  • Any Structured Content ACC

  • Any Property ASCCP

  • CDT(DT.TYPE = 'Core')

  • BuiltInType XBT(XBT.BUILTIN_TYPE not starts with "xsd:%")

Here’s the guide and assignment of OAGIS10.7.


Exporting Schema

Download schema information into one compressed zip file.

The dependency of each modules are automatically calculating on exporting time

The approximate dependency structure of OAGISCanonicalSchema is as follows.

BODs → Nouns → Components → Meta → Extension → Fields → BusinessDataType → XMLShemaDataType/CodeList/AgencyIdList

Cyclic dependency

If a component assigned Components module is refer to component that in Noun module, a cyclic dependency may occur.

Nouns → Components → Nouns → Components → ….

An example of a cyclic dependency situation experienced in 10.7 is as follows.

Code Block
Access Control Base. Details ACC (new component) inherited Control Base. Details ACC (belongs to 'RiskControlLibrary')
Also, User Authorization Base. Details ACC (belongs to 'Components') now has Access Control ASCC (new component).
If we assigned Access Control Base. Details ACC to 'Components', it causes a cyclic dependency like 'Components -> RiskControlLibrary -> Components -> so on'.
Control Base. Details ACC moves to 'Components'.
Risk Control Component Base. Details ACC moves to 'Components'.
Control Base. Control Component. Code BCCP moves to 'Fields'.
Control Base. Control Objective Category. Code BCCP moves to 'Fields'.
Control Base. Control Assertion. Code BCCP moves to 'Fields'.

Route Stop Base. Details ACC (belongs to 'Components') now relates to Stop Time Period ASCCP (belongs to 'CarrierRoute')
If we leave Route Stop Base. Details ACC to 'Components', it causes a cyclic dependency like 'Components -> CarrierRoute -> Components -> so on'.
Stop Time Period ASCCP moves from 'CarrierRoute' module to 'Components' module.

Alternate UOM ASCCP (new component) relates to Alternate UOM. Details ACC (belongs to 'ItemMaster') 
If we assigned Alternate UOM ASCCP to 'Components', it causes a cyclic dependency like 'Components -> ItemMaster -> Components -> so on'.
Alternate UOM ASCCP assigned to 'ItemMaster' module.